Yes! Hemp farmers should choose their variety based on what they intend to do with their final product. Each cannabis variety has a unique set of characteristics and will result in a different hemp product at the end of growth, so the variety you choose is very important.
There are four different varieties of the cannabis plant when it comes to hemp farming: CBD-rich, Grain, Fiber, and Grain/Fiber. These varieties differ in size, height, cannabinoid content, flowering times and even nutrient and growing requirements.
The best variety to produce CBD products is the CBD-rich strain. This cannabis variety will yield high concentrations of cannabidiolic acid (CBDa). Additionally, only female hemp plants will produce flowers with a high cannabinoid content.
If you intend to grow your hemp crop to produce edible hemp products you should use the grain variety. This variety will produce high yields of seeds that are food grade quality. You will need both female and male plants to produce a successful grain crop.
The fiber variety, when planted in high density, will produce bast fiber crop. This variety will grow very tall and after the retting process you will be able to remove a lot of fiber from the stalks for production of wearable and usable hemp products.
Some industrial hemp farmers choose to grow the grain/fiber variety so they can have what’s called a dual-purpose crop. This dual-purpose variety can produce both grain and fiber for you at final yield.
It is true that hemp is a pest-resistant, climate friendly, low-maintenance crop to grow – IF you ensure some key factors are present for your seeds such as well-aerated soil, proper soil pH, and moderate temperatures.
Temperatures that are too low can delay emergence, therefore optimal temperature for seed germination is between 65-70 degrees.
Cannabis does best in loose, well-aerated and well-drained soil. The pH is also important, needing to remain between 6.0-7.0 pH.
Cannabis generally does best in semi-humid conditions with temperatures ranging from 60 – 80 degrees.
You need to ensure you do not overwater your cannabis as it never reacts well to over-watering. However, cannabis does require sufficient moisture levels during the early stages of growth. During the plant’s entire lifecycle anywhere between 10-14 inches of rainfall is ideal.
The nutrient requirements will vary based on your plant’s stage of life. During the vegetative stage providing nitrogen is recommended. During the flowering stage of your plant’s life cycle it is recommended to provide phosphorus and potassium.
Your crop will go through three distinct stages through its’ lifecycle: emergence, vegetative, and flowering.
It’s best to plant your crop when there is no more risk of potential frost. Due to many spring months producing a morning frost, it is best to plant your crop between mid-May and early June, when the risk of frosting is unlikely.
The United States government is firm in their stance that hemp is only classified as any cannabis plant containing less than 0.3% delta-9 THC. Therefore, your plant may have up to 0.3% THC content, nothing more.
No! Industrial hemp crops can do great both indoors or outdoors. Outdoor cultivation can really save on start-up costs while indoor cultivation gives you careful control of the growing environment. Either option can produce a great yield!
Integrated Pest Management is an ecosystem-based pest control strategy that focuses on long-term prevention of pests through a combination of techniques. Some of the techniques utilized during IPM may be biological control, habitat manipulation, modification of practices, and the use of resistant varieties. Pesticides are only used during IPM after careful monitoring indicates they are needed, and even then treatments are made intended only to remove the target organism. Only pest control materials that minimize risk to human health, nontarget organisms and the environment are used in IPM.
Because IPM is environmentally conscious and supports healthy soil, and because you can’t use pesticides on organic hemp crops, IPM is popular among hemp farmers.
Like any plant, if the conditions are not proper your plant may suffer from the disease. Some common diseases seen in industrial hemp crops are gray mold and powdery mildew. Both of these diseases are caused by humid conditions and excessive moisture. Additionally, improper airflow and excessive foliage may cause fungal or microbial diseases.